I’ve been thinking lately about the power of choosing compassion and acceptance rather than discouragement or contempt. If you’re looking at the world through a veil of trapped negative energies and emotions, it can be incredibly hard to accept the  terrible things that happen in this world. People hurt each other for no apparent reason, natural disasters occur and take innocent lives. We can sometimes make decisions we deeply regret and may find it hard to forgive ourselves. Others may not forgive us for our actions. The fact is, life can be messy at times. It is natural and healthy to grieve over things like this.

But we don’t need to live in a state of negativity or feel contempt for the things we have no control of. We might not be able to repair all of our relationships, but we can learn to live in a state of acceptance. We can learn to live in a higher vibrational state that will help us to attract more positivity into our lives.

Learning to live like this not only effects our attitudes, but can vastly improve the state of our health and create a much brighter present and future for ourselves and those around us. Having an understanding of how to use The Emotion Code in your daily life is such a tremendous tool that can help every one of us to remove the baggage that is keeping us from truly accepting that some things just ARE. This helps us see things as they truly are, and keeps us from living in a jaded state of mind and spirit.

If you haven’t attended an Emotion Code Seminar, I hope that you will take the opportunity to join us at an upcoming seminar and learn first-hand how this breakthrough method of healing can help you, your loved ones and maybe even your future clients. I love using The Emotion Code because it’s EASY, it’s fun and it actually works. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been hung up on things that have happened in my past and felt hopeless about moving on. It is always easier to view life in a positive light after the Trapped Emotions have been released. We’ve seen many people who have been depressed or suicidal and have been able to successfully come out of that darkness and move forward in a matter of days. The fact is, YOU create your fate moment by moment. You have the inherent right to choose what you want to create in your life. The Emotion Code makes it so much easier to see how your present and your future can be better.

– Kristi Nelson, CBCP